Obama’s success presents a handful of valuable tips every man can apply to his professional life in an effort to help him achieve his goals. And on that note, here's success tips from Barrack Obama.

Embrace technology
He isn’t the first president to capitalize on technology, but thanks to the elasticity of Web 2.0, Obama became the social networking "friend" of millions, personalizing him in a way that no candidate has ever done before. This use of technology allowed us to feel a closeness to him as a person first.

Presidential pointer: Technology moves quickly. So embracing technology is wise only if you understand and implement the trends that fill it out. Embracing technology means embracing a system that is always in flux.

Be the bigger man
Remember during the campaign when the press was hounding Obama for a comment on the news that Sarah Palin’s teenage daughter was pregnant? The man had many options -- and many of them could have scored him political points -- but the option he chose was stunning: “My mother had me when she was 18.” A dignified and honest response, not what you would expect from any politician. It highlighted the nobility of taking the magnanimous path over the petty one. Furthermore, had Obama jumped on the opportunity to label Palin a hypocrite or a bad parent, he would have labeled himself the same.

Presidential pointers: You may not always win in choosing to be the bigger man, but you will certainly never lose. Dignity is not a forgotten conduct, but its scarcity raises its value and helps to substantiate your reputation down the road.

Elevate by association
When Obama accepted the nomination for his party, he did so in a theatrical fashion, choosing not the confines of an arena, but a modern, athletic stadium where heroes perform. The impact served to remind us not of a dull political rally, but of a stadium concert or an NFL game. It furthermore helped to elevate Obama as a hero, who was then able to be humble and deferential to the historical precedent.

Presidential pointers: Sometimes the stage acts as more than just a setting, it can have a non-verbal impact on the subconscious. Find ways to make yourself larger than your surroundings instead of the other way around.

Recruit people who are better than you
The decision to tag Joe Biden as his running mate was a level-headed, rational and highly strategic move on Obama's part. The presidency is too big a role for one man; the success of any administration can often be tied to the people whom the president recruits.

Presidential pointers: Successful men keep their inner circle populated by people whose skills and intelligence can serve and benefit them . You don’t have to be the smartest or the most handsome in your circle to succeed, you merely need to maintain that it is your circle.

Be like obama
As the 44th president, Obama will be faced with decisions of immense importance in the years to come, and while these may dictate his success or failure as the leader of the United States, they present all of us with opportunities for professional success provided we can learn from them, adapt them to our own situations and implement them appropriately.
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