Take a look at this list below and either thank your lucky stars that your job is already on it, or consider seeking the education and experience for the career that most interests you.

With all of the economic upheaval, businesses are being watched more carefully than ever.
Average Yearly Salary - $64,914

Career Counselor
From outplacement agencies to government programs, career counselors and coaches will be very busy in 2009 helping make things easier. Many individuals will need to completely re-engineer their careers. In order to do that, people need personalized guidance and feedback from an expert counselor.
Average Yearly Salary - $54,426

Besides their bank accounts, people's self-esteem and confidence are getting hit hard these days. People's self worth is tied up in their job, so you have a huge identity crisis happening. Counseling and mental health services will be in high demand.
Average Yearly Salary - $40,275

Public Relations Specialist
Rather than promoting a line of sparkly, new products or an exciting initiative, many public relations professionals will spend the upcoming year smoothing over unfortunate events.
Average Yearly Salary - $44,334

While this career is fairly foreign to most folks, now that bank loans are hard to come by, factoring allows small business to get funding based on their current accounts receivable -- the money they expect to have coming in. Factoring works well for retailers and other businesses that have big receivables.
Average Yearly Salary - $79,846

Health-Care Technician
You may know that nurses are in demand, but what about the folks they work with? "There's never enough of them, like radiology technicians, lab assistants, and home health aides. Health-care is the largest industry in the country.
Average Yearly Salary (Pharmacy Technician) - $32,531

Mechanical Engineer (and all engineering fields)
More skilled-labor jobs are replaced by complex automation or robotics systems. It's the engineers who help build these automated systems.
Average Yearly Salary - $71,490

Networking/System Administrator
Since almost all business transactions these days are done with the assistance of a vast computer network, the people who understand how to keep computer networks running smoothly are critically important -- and consequently, in high demand.
Average Yearly Salary - $54,193

he health-care field has been booming for a long time, and all signs indicate it will continue to do so.
Average Yearly Salary (Registered Nurse) - $53,840

Software Designer/Developer
Companies from all sectors of the economy are looking for software engineers and programmers. This is because society in general is becoming more tech-dependent.
Average Yearly Salary - $72,070
by Joy Victory, Payscale.com
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