1. Short Term Memory Gadget: WayBack
You don't have to have Alzheimer's disease to need WayBack; short term memory is a challenge for everyone of a certain age -- ever hear about 'senior moments?' Heck, even when I was 20, I could never remember where I parked. WayBack is a GPS system for people on foot. It will help your Mom or Grandmom retrace her steps whether she's shopping, sight-seeing, at a stadium, hiking... no matter where she's roamed, she won't get lost.
2. Arthritic Hands Helper: The Best Electric Can Opener
Hopefull, Grandma isn't still opening cans with a hand-twist opener, but if she is, you'd better get her the Best Electric Can Opener from Hammacher Schlemmer. It has stood up to Hammacher's various performance tests and been compared to a range of top-selling can openers. The "Best" did not drop the cans when it finished opening them, it left the rims round and smooth to prevent the user from cutting her fingers, it easily attached to the cans and centered them, and it did it's job quickly on cans of various sizes and shapes. Come to think of it, maybe you should replace Grandma's electric can opener with this one anyway!
3. Better Hearing Gadget: DirectTalk Personal Amplifier
As your hearing starts to go, it's always most difficult to hear when there's more than one source of sound. But with the DirectTalk Personal Amplifier, you can focus your mikes just by turning your body. Use it to enhance personal communication, or to amplify your cell phone, MP3, TV, or movie dialogue. There's a tone enhancement feature to accentuate or dull certain speech frequencies, as well as a protective gain control that prevents the user for being blasted by sudden loud sounds in the environment. Ear buds are reportedly super-comfortable.
4. Back Pain Gadget: The Perfect Fit Back Brace
This back support contours to the shape of your torso and back to maintain proper compression on your lower vertebrae. The Perfect Fit Back Brace provides relief from lower back pain and improves spinal stability. It also makes you stand and sit straight. All adjustments can be made from the from the front of the brace, which is thin and flexible enough to allow you to move through your daily activities.
5. Security Gadget: Instant Cell Phone Back-Up
Today, everyone is lost without their cell phones, so when cell phones are lost we naturally become frantic. It's not the just the phone, but all the information on it. The Instant Cell Phone Back-Up is the answer to your prayers if you copy your Sim card onto it before you lose your cell phone. Make your Mom a copy and make a copy of her information for yourself. Backup your own cell phone with the Back-Up. It holds 1000 numbers and has an 8-language display. It's even password protected.
6. Foot Pain Gadget: YogaToes
Don't laugh. The YogaToes actually do help people with bunions, hammertoes, and plantar fascitis - foot things that many women get after wearing high heels for years. While YogaToes are uncomfortable at first, they help your toes align and stretch, and lead to greater foot comfort. YogaToes can be placed in the freezer or microwave to give your toes different treats. They are lifetime guaranteed. (Don't fall for the copy-toes.)
7. Balance Helper Gadget: Touch Free Trash Can
There are lots of reasons to love this Touch Free Trash Can, not the least of which is the pretty stainless steel will stay clean and shiny without finger prints all over it. But face it, having to lift with one hand and toss with the other can unbalance one, even temporarily, and foot openers are just as off-setting. The Touch Free Trash Can has infrared motion-sensor technology that senses motion within ten inches of the lid.
8. Headache Pain Gadget: IMAK Eye Mask
The IMAK Eye Mask contains ergoBeads, and I'm not sure exactly what they are, but when you put the Eye Mask on, they move very gently and massage your eyes. The Mask, which can be heated or cooled, can relieve sinus, migraine, and stress headaches, but they are also just simply relaxing.
9. Reaching & Picking Up Gadget: Deluxe Gopher III
The Gophers pick up tools have had a good reputation since they first came out, but the new Deluxe Gopher III has been improved. It's a sturdier gadget and it now has a locking hinge and an LED light near the gripper for hard-to-see objects. The Gopher III also folds for easy storage.
10. Arthritic Knee Gadget: The Arthritis Pain Relieving Knee Wrap
Even though there appears to be a man's leg in the photo, the Arthritis Pain Relieving Knee Wrap comes in unisex sizes, so there's one that's sure to fit your favorite boomer mom. Since hips and knees get tired of holding us up as we age, there are plenty of us that can use the support of this flexible knee brace that facilitates blood flow, reduces swelling, and improves mobility of the knee - thereby, relieving pain. The wrap has a special lining that 'wicks away moisture' to keep the wearer comfortable.

via inventorspot.com