On their second date he said they were going to be making the movies jealous.
And when Matt Still filmed an elaborate marriage proposal and screened it at the cinema where his girlfriend was due to watch a film, he made every girl in the room jealous too.
Now the video 'Greatest Marriage Proposal EVER!!!' has gone viral on YouTube attracting more than half a million views in two days.

Little did she know her reaction to the upcoming trailer was being secretly filmed or that the couple's friends and family were planted in the audience.
'This better be good' she mouthed to the friend before the familiar Universal ident flashed onto the screen before Matt's trailer began.
And like any good rom-com it had it all, including a happy ending...
At first we hear a deep voiceover proclaiming: 'A love story so true it couldn't have been written.'
The camera then pans to a conversation between two men, but we can only see their bottom halves.
'There comes a time when every father lets his little girl go to another man who loves her as much as he does,' says the deep voice.
A flicker of recognition comes over Ginny's face before another familiar voice chimes in.
'I know how much she means to you, I know how much you love her I know she is your heart.'
The game is up as Ginny finally clocks it's her boyfriend Matt and he's asking her father for her hand in marriage.
'I want to spend the rest of my life with her. She has my heart, she is my friend my everything,' he says.
'She is nothing like any woman I've ever met before. She's everything I've wanted and more.
'I didn't even know what real love is, but she is showing me and teaching me every day.'
Ginny's father accepts Matt's request and the two shake hands before the camera pans up to reveal her father's face in focus.
A rustle goes around the cinema at this point - probably as people reach for their tissues.
But the 'movie' isn't over yet.
Matt then speeds off to the cinema and even finds time to buy some popcorn before taking a deep breath and going off to find his girl.
The camera switches to a cam-corder as Matt gets down on one knee and asks Ginny to marry him.
She says yes, an audience member says 'bravo,' before the cinema erupts with applause and whoops.

Ginny's family and friends then emerge from their seats to congratulate the future Mrs Still.
The end.
This is not the first proposal of its kind however (sorry Matt). Todd Cavanaugh asked former Miss New York, Elisabeth Baldanza, to marry him in a dramatic movie trailer while the couple were at the theatre together.