Newman worked with a crossword writer at the Post to come up with the perfect crossword for Epstein who is an aficionado. Clues led to her hometown, her first name, his first name and more. Then of course, finally, it was: Willyoumarryme? And he dropped to one knee. Can we get a collective awwwwwww....?
Proposal via crossword puzzle is unique and awesome, but it is not the only creative way to propose. Here are another 15 of the top proposals we could find:
1. Subway proposal: A Toronto street artist plastered a “Will you marry me?” sign on top of a subway stop!
2. Pick a unique place: Seal proposed to Heidi Klum in an igloo at 14,000 feet and presented her with a 10-carat ring.
3. Movie trailer proposal: This man hired a whole production team to make a mock movie trailer and then showed it at a local theater with all their friends. “She had no idea this was a marriage proposal until the last three seconds of the trailer,” he says in his YouTube info.
4. Strip proposal: Howard Stern ordered his girlfriend Beth Ostrosky to strip nude and then proposed to her right before having sex.
5. On TV: New York Giants player Jason Sehorn proposed to Angie Harmon live on The Tonight Show! Carrie Ann Inaba also received the same treatment on Regis & Kelly.
6. In front of LOVE: A man in New York proposed to his girlfriend in front of the LOVE sculpture in New York City and took her by surprise!
7. On a video game: This couple does not seem particularly excited, but the Super Mario Brothers proposal was very romantic.
8. On the Weather Channel!: This couple got engaged on the Weather Channel (she is a meterologist).
9. Via muppet: OMG. Could this be cuter? This guy made puppets of both he and his fiance and recreated moments in their courtship on video before popping the question.
10. Using the Old Spice: This man used the hot Old Spice man to propose. Kind of confident of him to assume she would still want him after seeing hot Old Spice man!
11. Gigantic boxes: This man hid under a special box he built and tricked his girlfriend into lifting it off him to find him there with a ring.
12. During the Boston Marathon: This dude was running the race but stopped long enough to propose to his lady. How sweet is that?
13. By circus performance: This one actually made me cry it was so sweet. The dude got all his performance art friends together to give his girlfriend the proposal of a lifetime.
14. Musical performance: This one could be fake and is VERY cheesy, but also highly original so it made the cut.
15. Police raid: A lawmaker in Baltimore staged a REAL police raid to propose. HE got in a lot of trouble, but she said yes.