‘Let’s Pizza” is not your typical vending machine. It does not sell pre-packaged, ready-to-eat foods. It is a real-time, on-the-spot, pizza-making vending machine.

From the insertion of the coin to the extraction of a freshly baked, family-sized, flaming hot pizza, it takes just under three minutes to make. Incredible as it seems, the machine mixes the flour, eggs and water on the spot,then adds the sauce and toppings.
To enhance the experience even more, the entire pizza creation process can be watched through little windows in the machine adding a feeling of anticipation much like the one you get from seeing the cook in pizzerias making their dishes.
To enhance the experience even more, the entire pizza creation process can be watched through little windows in the machine adding a feeling of anticipation much like the one you get from seeing the cook in pizzerias making their dishes.

There are four types of pizza flavors you can choose from so far.
Implications - In a world that is increasingly about real-time, brands should upgrade their current offerings and cater to consumers' need for instant gratification by providing them with a new experience.
Implications - In a world that is increasingly about real-time, brands should upgrade their current offerings and cater to consumers' need for instant gratification by providing them with a new experience.
secure way to start a business, then it is wise to invest in Fresh Vending franchises,committed to assisting locations across the US provide healthy snacks conveniently Fresh Vending machines have succeeded in a host of common areas across the country .