A bored grandmother visiting family from the Midwest hired her for an afternoon movie. A stay-at-home mom who was new to the area paid her to come on over to do some scrapbooking. Morrison, 31, met a traveling businessman at the airport with a folder of research he requested on things to do and helped him rent a car.
It's all because of a new arrival to the web-fueled, rent-an-everything revolution —Rentafriend.com.
"You look at a site like this and think, 'Oh, they must all be escorts or it's a dating site or something'," said Morrison, a mother of a 2-year-old who signed on with the blessing of her husband. "When I first saw it I had mixed feelings about it. I thought it was kind of sad that people have to do this."
While Morrison is happy to meet new people and make a little extra money, charging $20 to $30 an hour, she's not the only one to think lonely thoughts about the 7-month-old service modeled on similar, hugely successful sites in Japan and elsewhere in Asia.
In a world where friend is a verb and you may never meet some of yours from Facebook in real life, where research indicates chronic loneliness can lead to depression, suicide, high blood pressure and viral infections, where roughly 20% of all people — 60 million in the US alone — say they feel lonely at any given moment, is renting a friend a solution or stopgap?
"The question is, is it solving anyone's problems? My first reaction was to roll my eyes, but it may in fact help people meet others and get back into circulation. If it's used as a substitute for meaningful face-to-face relationships, it's not going to work," said John Cacioppo, a social neuroscience researcher.
Rentafriend receives 100,000 unique views every month and has nearly 2,000 members who pay $24.95 a month, or $69.95, a year for a login and password so they can peruse the photos and profiles of 167,000-plus possible pals.
Christopher Barton, 31, of Boulder City, Nevada, first tried Rentafriend about six months ago during a business trip training clients for an online university. Living on the road, he hates to eat alone in restaurants and wants to make the most of his downtime.
Started by Scott Rosenbaum in Stewartsville, New Jersey, a former marketer for dating websites, Rentafriend has some competition from offline services that will make platonic matches for a fee, like Rentalocalfriend.com for travelers. The difference, he said, is Rentafriend allows the renter to make a pick, negotiating the cost and making arrangements one-on-one through email or phone calls.
Rent-a-friend in Japan