World's Environment Day is here!
Here are just some suggestions to help you organise, get involved in and to celebrate World Environment Day:

- Take the “What’s Your Next Step?” – Sustainability Challenge. Adopt a sustainable way of life with lots of useful ideas and actions to help you play your part in enhancing the New Zealand way of life – go to www.sustainability.govt.nz now!
- Ask your local council if you can help clean-up your local area or plant trees.
- Undertake a community awareness campaign or project to reduce household consumption – eg replace light-bulbs with energy saving ones, switch off stand-by electrical appliances such as TVs and computers when not in use, check insulation and water heating options, encourage household rainwater harvesting, vegetable gardening or self-sufficiency.
- Promote ideas to reduce, re-use and recycle waste. Maybe even hold an event to make art from recycled material.
- Encourage others to use sustainable modes of transport (walking, jogging, cycling, skating, public transport, carpool) for a day.
- Hold a bicycle or walking parade or organise a walking school bus.
- Organise a visit to nature sites, botanical gardens or other sites of environmental interest.
- Hold an art competition or exhibition and ask others to create and show banners, drawings, essays, paintings, posters or poetry that promote the Kick the Carbon Habit theme.
- Organise community performances of plays, songs or poetry that promote the Kick the Carbon Habit theme.
- Hold an eco-fair or festival or ask local retailers to put in window displays that promote the Kick the Carbon Habit theme.
- Undertake an awareness campaign in your community to offset your greenhouse gas emissions – see www.carbonzero.co.nz.
Think of other activities that have high participation, raise public awareness and have a legacy or sustainable outcome that will mean the most to your community.